Friday, October 30, 2009

Last Weekend

I'm sorry that the photos I took from this evening disappeared but the swell memories linger and the map is not the territory, anyway. Great party, friends! M may be booked at

Jovino's grapefruit

Friday, October 23, 2009

Tonight, With Grapefruit and Tarot and Performance Art

Everybody's gotta learn somehow! Jovino's practicing on grapefruit (and people). Look at this lovely work: Pincushion Heart on Flickr - Photo Sharing!

< -- It's also the day we celebrate Spalding's birthday.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009



TIME: 7:00

Do you know the way?

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Life on the Lake

I'm really grateful that somehow the Lake Merritt project has happened -- landscaping, new walks, trees, a manhole/tunnel, traffic meridians -- as it's clear that the Oakland city budget is maxxed out, and so many departments and agencies are hurting. Because I'm so thankful, and because I like my neighborhood so much, I'm working on adopting an island.

I hope they let me do something fun with it as long as I promise not to create an eyesore or hazard I have all kinds of landscaping ideas actually mostly an elephant made out of succulents.

Friday, August 14, 2009

In a Magical Place Called Oakland

A woman
on the roof

What's your stupid idea?

Thursday, August 13, 2009

In a Magical Place Called Westport

A man builds a whale and throws out handfuls of dreams into the salty air.

What's your
Roadside Distraction?

Sunsets are for Gurlz
, (c) 2009, Carlos Amigos

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Nothing to See Here: Saturday, August 15th

This is to advise you that nothing is happening here this Saturday, August 15th.

There is no "art" to be seen. There is no "reticent panda preserve" to enjoy. The Gallery is Not Open and You are not at all invited. GO AWAY.

We'll be making waffles, but you can't have them.
Smoothies will be prepared (ask for a boost!) but not for you.

This art is total crap and at $10 - $40 way outta your price range.

The neighborhood (Grand Lake) is dangerous and people are mean. There's no Farmer's Market that you need to go to anyway and if you did the produce is all gross right now. Absolutely nothing is in season.

The place is a shithole and nobody cares.

Carlos Amigos: Welcome to My Evil Thoughts
Now playing at The Sometime Gallery

Carlos was totally uninspired by the turnout for the dinner a few weeks back and hasn't done fuck-all since. I don't know what he does with his time.

Saturday, August 15th
10:00 - 1:00 or I ask you to leave

See the art and sit a spell. Please don't bring anyone because they'll hate it too. Your donations for waffles n' smoothies go to help the Westport Whale Project become a reality.


The Sometime Gallery
(an alt space for art in the grandlake portmanteau)
up the driveway; look for a sign

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Spaghetti and Dreams for Sale: July 31

Do you believe in whales?
Do you believe in dreams?
Do you believe in spaghetti?

Most importantly, do you believe the world needs another ROADSIDE ATTRACTION?


Come enjoy a spaghetti feed for the benefit of my dear friend, the darling of the Alameda Marina and Westport California, the one, the only: CARLOS AMIGOS and the Westport Whale.


YOU come and enjoy spaghetti, wine, salad, bread, spumoni, in the newly renovated Sometime Gardens and Reticent Panda Preserve.
YOU have another opportunity to purchase an inspirational work by Carlos Amigos (old favorites; new pieces) and view the latest installation in the still under wraps Sometime Gallery.

FRIDAY JULY 31, 2009
7:00 Whaletails
8:00 Dinner
$15 payable that evening or via paypal.

Proceeds to benefit the Westport Whale.

PLEASE do RSVP by Wednesday, July 29, so we may purchase accordingly.

Oakland CA 94610
The little gray cottage at the top of the drive

Bring a friend! Tell a friend.
Thank you for your support and friendship.

Thursday, July 23, 2009


Dear Friends and many Enemies!

A fund raiser for the Westport Whale sponsored by my Pal and Visionary Extraordinare... Polly Harrold!
Proprietor of the Sometime Gallery

This Emotionally Charged show was made just for YOU!
Dedicated to all the Lovers and Haters of Carlos Amigos!
Its the usual highly personal text related work with a few suprises for the Outspoken, Dreamers, Romantics, Sugarless Lovers, Hooker Waitresses, Sexy Swabs, Twisted Sista's, Michael Jackson Fans, Broken Hearts, Star Chasers, Teenage Whores, Adventurers of the World and Swank Bastards like ME!
Are you Down to be Open?
I'll show you Mine if you show me Yours.
Let Go!
Jump In!
There's Beauty in the Breakdown!
Details coming soon
$15 donation Demanded!
July 31st PMish!

Saturday, May 30, 2009

Making attic larger by painting it high gloss white.

Making attic larger by painting it high gloss white.

pollygon Making attic larger by painting it high gloss white.

Thursday, May 7, 2009


spooky coconut man

Posted via Pixelpipe.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

The Road is Open Again!

There's a new day in view
There is gold in the blue
There is hope in hearts of men.
All the world's on the way, to a sunnier day,
Cause the road is open again.
There's a note of repair
There's a song in the air
It's the music of busy men,
Every plow in the land, meets a happier hand
Cause the road is open again.
There's an Eagle blue
In the White House, too,
On the shoulders of our President there.
With a lusty call, telling one and all,
Brother, do your share!
There's a new day in view,
There is gold in the blue,
There is hope in the hearts of men,
From the plain to the hill,
From the farm to the mill,
All the road is open, again.

Song written for The Road is Open Again, circa 1933, for this short film by Warner Brothers for the NRA -- that's
National Recovery Administration, folks. It was one of several films I saw on a visit to Santa Fe, New Mexico in October. The historic 1931 Lensic theatre hosted an evening of The New Deal on Film. The entire audience sang along. Just before the election, it was uncannily stirring, a real "we're all in this together" moment. The road is open, again.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

A Soup the Color of Bougainvillea

I made this soup tonight for Tina B., while we caught up from way too-many months. Tina will have an installation in the upcoming March show.

Beet, Barley, and Black Bean Soup

Do you like beets? Holy cow! This hearty soup turns a crazy brilliant fuchsia from the beets and smells like hot steamy yummy beety dirt. I like that in a soup. I use black caviar lentils, but you could bean it however you like. Soup is vegan if you want it. If I have red wine, I throw that in. Can't hurt.

2 tablespoons olive oil
1 large onion, finely chopped
3 cloves garlic, minced
2 teaspoons dried tarragon
Black pepper
8 cups water (or beef or vegetable broth)
4 medium size beets, cubed
3/4 cup pearl barley
1/4 cup tamari
15 oz Black caviar lentils, or black beans
2 tablespoons balsamic vinegar
Dill or sour cream or plain yogurt for garnish

In a stockpot over medium heat, sauté the onion in the olive oil until translucent (about 5 minutes). Add the garlic, tarragon, and pepper; sauté another minute. Add 8 cups of liquid what-you-got. Add the beets, barley, and tamari, cover, and bring to a boil. Lower the heat and simmer for 30 minutes. Add the beans and simmer for another 10 - 15 minutes, stirring frequently, or until the barley is tender. Add the balsamic vinegar and fresh dill. Garnish with sour cream or yogurt.

Saturday, January 3, 2009

I've Been Making Soup

This was a particularly tasty Carrot with Cumin soup cooked up at Molly's house in her big orange pot. Molly likes orange. That evening, we also tested the Twitter Emergency Broadcast System when Molly pulled out a UFO from one of the fresh oysters we'd procurred that evening. Whutever it was, perched on the end of her sharp oyster knife, it stretched out translucent legs and wriggled them. We gasped. We got goosebumps. We threw the rest into the compost. We'd already eaten several. Even now, we shudder to think of it.

But anyway, here's the soup recipe!

Crème de Carottes au Cumin

3 tablespoons olive oil
2 pounds carrots, peeled and cut into 1-inch chunks
2 garlic cloves, crushed
2 teaspoons ground cumin
1/2 cup fresh orange juice
1/2 cup heavy cream (or soy milk)

I really like cumin and carrots and this soup is pretty. I add the raisins at the end, and drop a few on top.

Heat the olive oil in a large saucepan over medium heat. Add the carrots and cook, stirring occasionally, for five minutes. Add the garlic and cumin and cook, not letting the carrots and garlic brown, for three minutes. Add the orange juice and 1 quart cold water, increase the heat to high, and heat to a boil. Lower the heat and cook at a simmer, uncovered, for 45 minutes, adding water as needed.

Transfer to a blender or food processor and puree until completely smooth. Be careful. Just do a little at a time, or let it cool, or you'll have hot bright orange soup everywhere.

Return the soup to the saucepan and set over medium heat. Stir in the cream and cook, beating with a whisk, until smooth, about 2 minutes. Add raisins if you like; season to taste with salt. Deelish.