Saturday, June 14, 2008

The Gallery is Open: Sunday, June 15

Dogtown Track
Beth Grundvig
44" x 56"
Pastel on paper, mounted between plexiglass.

WELCOME TO MY EVIL EMPIRE: Pastels, Photographs, and Signs
New works by Beth Grundvig, Daniel Dienelt, and Kyle Siler

Closing Party/Open Studio:
Sunday, June 15
1:00 - 5:00

Come see the works in this space in the air. As I sit here today, I am struck by how much the artworks in this exhibition relate to the built environment around me -- even as the pieces reflect the artists' reactions to their own.

Beth Grundvig: large-scale Oak-land-scapes in pastel
Daniel Danielt: Photo based encaustics
Kyle Siler: Installation in my kitchen (from $20, OBO, will swap for dirtbike parts)

LAST CHANCE TO HIT THE SOMETIME GALLERY THIS MONTH! Come enjoy a little civilized soiree. Visit sunny East Oakland for some super-fine art, Sunday Times, home-made strawberry shortcake, tea, champagne. My own works-in-progress will be display as well.

If you purchased a piece, consider dropping by -- art will be available to take home.
Or maybe you've had your eye on something?

NOTE: The Gallery will remain open in teeny-tiny form and the pieces will be for sale online through the end of June.