Saturday, May 31, 2008

Spalding Makes Meme Status

I can haz donuts? We're so proud. Spalding also took photos at last week's reception for the artists. A little shaky, but nice composition. Next time, I'll wear the camera on my neck.

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Opening Tonight: 7:00

Welcome to My Evil Empire! Over 100 works by three artists are hanging, cheese has been purchased; the white carpet, vacuumed. Sometime Improvements for this show include postcards, a hammer drill, and lighting. The Gallery is Open and I have laid in some Hamm's. Tonight only: artist autographs, pocket magic, hair combs, cat photography, goat rides, balloons for children. C U, here.

Shown: Works by Daniel Dienelt. Photographic encaustic collage; $150 - $275

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Welcome To My Evil Empire: Paintings, Photographs, and Signs

New works by Beth Grundvig, Daniel Dienelt, and Kyle Siler
May - June 2008


Of course you aren't. I'm not ready to rock. I have an art gallery to run.


Yeah? Well ok! 'Cause I'm having one!


WELCOME TO MY EVIL EMPIRE: Paintings, Photographs, and Signs
New works by Beth Grundvig, Daniel Dienelt, and Kyle Siler

I am so excited to host the work of these three artists in the gallery. So excited I brought out the italics!!!

Overjoyed at the Underpass: Beth Grundvig's stark and realistic urbanscapes are the empty spaces, ends of streets and alleys, the undersides of freeways, dumpsters, puddles, bricks, and beams, building-size and still, life. They're skillfully executed pastels in polaroid color. Wait til you see her twelvetych. Beth's studio is in Emeryville.

I envisioned abstract photography as working well with Beth's pieces, and Daniel Dienelt, an artist in Fort Wayne, Indiana was suggested. I appreciate Daniel's willingness to participate from across the country. Daniel's photography gets manipulated and worked, digitally and physically, through collage and encaustic wax. He frequently shoots with experimental cameras and techniques. I like his sense of composition and subject matter: buildings and skateboarding.

Kyle Siler is an evil genius
and if you don't believe it just ask him. No really, do. Kyle's work is the ping and pong of lost and found, sweet and vulgar, profound, banal. It's also hanging from my ceilings, an arch wave of wooden wrath n' luv, and he keeps bringing more. You can check it out here, shot on location in scenic Westport, CA, but be careful because there are some dirty words.


Thursday, May 22: Reception for the Artists
7:00 - 10:00

Wednesday, May 28: Hosting Dorkbot SF

Saturday and Sunday, June 7 - 8
11:00 - 5:00
(Also East Bay Open Studios)

Saturday and Sunday, June 14 - 15
11:00 - 5:00
(Also East Bay Open Studios)

Closing Reception and Waffletime: June 15

Other events TBA.

BY CAR: Google's directions are incorrect; take San Leandro South at High.
BY BART: Fruitvale is the closest; it's a $6 cab ride and worth it at night or walk with friends.
BIKE: Ride your bike fast and wear a helmet.

Look for a sign | Park on the street | stroll to the rear | step up three flights.
In the Big Green Building at the Dutch Boy: 4701 San Leandro Street, in rockin' East Oakland, 94601. (510) 536-6970

Saturday, May 17, 2008

Dorkbot is People Doing Strange Things With Electricity

And I've got outlets like every 12 feet! How cool is that! I'm dee-lighted to host Dorkbot SF.

Wednesday, May 28
Welcome Dorks: Bar and snax

DV Rogers' Seismic Art
Parkfield Interventional EQ Fieldwork (PIEQF)
The Parkfield Interventional EQ Fieldwork (PIEQF) is a geologically interactive, kinetic earthwork that will take place in the township of Parkfield, Central California between the 28th June and 28th September 2008. This machine controlled installation converges a USGS reported Californian earthquake list with the near real time control of a hydraulically actuated earthquake shake table. Each time an earthquake occurs, an array of 1/2 inch and 5/8 inch steel rods attached to the shake table will oscillate and resonate, reflecting the dynamic nature of the Californian landscape.

Jeff Wishnie
Harsh Computing: Designing Computing and Communications System for Way Out There

is non-profit that designs, implements and deploys computing and communications systems in the toughest of environments: the remote rural developing world. They will show off some of their toys and describe the key considerations when deploying computers out there--like a school hours away from the nearest urban center: Timbuktu. They'll also discuss some of their surprise adversaries including rats, bees, and the International Committee for the Red Cross.

Jeremy Bornstein
Genetic Algorithm Based Soap
At first I thought it said soup. Jeremy
's program starts with a batch of randomly-generated soap recipes, and each is evaluated to determine the qualities of the resulting soap. The best recipes are combined with each other in a way which is statistically likely to produce an improvement, and the process is repeated until a soap is produced which has the right balance of oils. This is called a genetic algorithm because it simulates (in a very simple fashion) some of the processes which occur in nature as organisms evolve. Delicious!

David Calkins

RoboGames is the world's largest open robot competition (even the Guinness Book of World Records says so!)

Please mail Karen Marcelo (dorkbotSF [at] dorkbot [dot] org) if you would like to open dork (10-15 min mini-presentation).

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Good Morning Art Fans!

Do you think Mary Boone is up a ladder at 7:00 am patching walls in her underpants? Maybe.

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Where is It?

View Larger Map
Right here!