Monday, March 10, 2008

4/20: La Grande Jatte Crank

Polly Harrold's Sometime Gallery hosts an afternoon of musical performance art and waffles on April 20th. Come hear Crank Ensemble and Cheryl Leonard in the glass-lined sun-shined aerie. Popping, plinking, clacking, clicking, Larnie Fox's Crank Ensemble creates rhythmic and repetitive patterns using handmade crank-operated machines. Cheryl E. Leonard, with A.L. Dentel and Karen Stackpole, will perform new compositions and improvisations inspired by ocean tides. Instruments will include shells, kelp, salt, sand, water and stones.
The Waffletime is 1:00; Musical Performances start at 2:00. $10. Tickets are available at the door, or through the performer's webpages. Come early and enjoy conceptual waffle performance by the Proprietor and Assistants; donations to benefit a friend. Park on the street | stroll to the rear | step up three flights. Look for a sign. In the Big Green Building at the Dutch Boy: 4701 San Leandro Street, Oakland, 94601. (510) 536-6970

Monday, March 3, 2008

Good Advice, Wherever You Are

That's right: FOLLOW THE GUIDE CLOSELY TO GET THE MOST OUT OF YOUR TOUR! For here, at Mystery Spot, the normal laws of gravity and observation do not apply. And why is that? "Some speculate that cones of metal were secretly brought here and buried in our earth as guidance systems for their spacecraft. Some think that it is in fact the spacecraft itself buried deep within the ground. Other theories include carbon dioxide permeating from the earth, a hole in the ozone layer, a magma vortex, the highest dielectric biocosmic radiation known anywhere in the world, and radiesthesia." Me, I think it's all those things. That's why I use the handrail. And check it out: The Mystery Spot is hiring.