Monday, December 31, 2007

The Muncie

Why they call it a flop house. An older structure in beautiful Muncie, Indiana.

Sunday, December 9, 2007

The Draw of Rosalind Franklin

Who knew there was another Rosalind Franklin fan in the neighborhood? One gallery visitor saw the poster featuring the scientist (who first photographed DNA, revealing its helix structure) and made her way, post-haste. Turns out she had written a prize-winning play featuring the scientist. After some delightful woman-scientist chat, she treated us to a break-dance demonstration. You never know what you'll find at The Sometime Gallery, folks.

Saturday, December 8, 2007

Performance Today

I Make You Hot Chocolate
An interactive performance piece which requires you, the participant, to drink the hot chocolate I make for you. While you wait for it, you visit The Hall of Women Scientists.THE HALL OF WOMEN SCIENTISTS

Friday, December 7, 2007

The Gallery is Open!

Tonight! Make your way to the opening for Green and Lovely, 6 - 10:00 pm. Impromptu introductions to the subjects by the Artist all evening long. At the top of the big green building at the back of the Dutch Boy compound.

4701 San Leandro
Oakland, CA 94601

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Art/Party: Who's With Me, Now

Grab a brew, don't cost nothin'.
It would come to no surprise to friends or my parents that National Lampoon's Animal House played a big part in my development. We will not be serving cottage cheese, Jack Daniel's, cucumbers with Mrs. Wormer, 10,000 marbles, a dead horse, or kiln accidents at our receptions and openings, but we will be serving up a good time, nonetheless.

Bluto Blutarsky,
Mixed media on canvas, 16 x 24"
Jennifer Mondfrans

Sunday, December 2, 2007

Going Up: An Exhibition

Today we hung around 40 artworks, oils, and mixed media. I'm so pleased with the pieces Jen brought over. There is a lot to look at, and talk about, with this show.

On Friday evening, the artist will be on hand to speak about the subjects of her paintings. Be engaged and charmed as Art meets Science and, well, ART, as we learn about the lives of such notables as the Curie family, Beatrix Potter, Berthe Morisot, and Claude Monet.